Thursday, 28 January 2016

PGI Hunchbacks complete - Mechwarrior online, 1:60 scale resin models

PGI Hunchbacks from Mechwarrior on-line,

Machined on a Roland MDX40A 4axis mill
Cast in resin
And painted by your host (camo ref: original release screen shot)
Photographed by one who still learning what does what.
Digital to physical
1:60 scale
Standing at just under 17cm tall

Humps swappable

Elbow in action and below a video of that

All in all I never want to see another hunchback again lol. (but I still have mine to paint at some point)

Also took the time re-photo the MWO mechs I've done to date;

Monday, 25 January 2016

Making up the finishing touches

I finished paint on the HBK's today and just making the last few items such as these hip rails. They get made last because ultimately they're are hard to see and easily squished.

I use 1mm brass wire then made a simple jig 4 holes and 2 grooves to hold everything in place while I soldered them together.  I then file down the solder, tweak everything straight before they get a rusty paint job. I've learnt the best way to get the rails nicely seated is to use a temporary spacer so you can just push the rails in and the spacer ensures an even gap all around.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Hunchback MWO paint (work in progress)

I've laid down all the main colours and most of the decals/details. I just need to add a few more touches before weathering.

Sorry for the small picture, I took it free hand and this was the best of a blurry bunch.

Using the original hunchback scheme as base for this one. Only half way there lots to paint in to do to mostly weathering, blending, shading and highlights. That will turn it from plastic looking to something fresh from combat.

oh and heres a action shot all masked up I found on my phone

Monday, 4 January 2016

Vallejo chipping medium test

Did a test piece for the Vallejo chipping medium (shortening it to chipper from here on). Good job too turns out it needs to be thinned for airbrushing, neat it spat instead of sprayed.

Black base coat, teal, one yellow stripe (small) and one yellow stripe over white (larger)
The results:
So masking tape doesn't pull the paint +1
I can use multiple layers of different paint +1
Paint comes off clean so I can now put down a pass of white for weaker colours like red/yellow +10
I need to thin the chipping medium so it sprays even and not speckled -1
I went back 24hrs later and I could still chip the paint (not shown).+1
The teal needs to be toned way down to match the MWO original screen shot

Going to give the test another go with the chipper thinned. Better safe than sorry

In other news I have little masking left on the two PGI mechs and the kids are back at school/nursery so hopefully I be able get through my to-do list in quicker fashion.

Happy New year